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How To Use VooDoo Band On Knee For Knee Pain & Runner’s Knee

Struggling with knee pain when you go up or down stairs, run, or sit down? Knee pain is one of the most common overuse injuries that runners face.

It may be a case of Runner's knee, also known as patellofemoral pain syndrome. Runner’s knee can be a painful condition experienced by all levels of athletes. While rest, proper training and physical therapy (if it’s an option) are essential for recovery, incorporating targeted therapies like voodoo bands can provide significant relief. In the above video, Coach Amanda shows you how to use a Voodoo Band or muscle floss on the knee to alleviate pain, enhance mobility, and help rehab your injury.

What are voodoo bands?

Voodoo bands, also known as compression bands or muscle floss, are elastic bands designed to provide targeted compression to specific areas of the body. When applied correctly to the knee, these bands help improve circulation, reduce swelling, and alleviate pain associated with runner's knee and other sources of knee pain. The compression also aids in stabilizing the knee joint during movement, allowing for smoother and more controlled motion while running or performing other activities.

How do you use a Voodoo band?

To use a voodoo band on the knee, start by sitting down and wrapping the band around the affected knee joint firmly but not excessively tight. In the above video, Coach Amanda will walk you through how to wrap your knee. Begin just below the knee cap and wrap upwards towards the thigh, overlapping each layer by about 50%. Ensure that the band is snug but still allows for comfortable movement and does not cut off circulation. It's essential to maintain proper alignment of the band to target the areas experiencing pain and discomfort effectively.

Once the voodoo band is applied, engage in gentle mobility exercises and stretches to promote blood flow and flexibility in the knee joint. Perform simple movements such as squats, knee drives, and gentle stretches targeting the quadriceps, hamstrings, and IT band. These exercises help loosen tight muscles and improve joint mobility, enhancing the effectiveness of the voodoo band therapy.

How often should you use VooDoo Bands?

When using a voodoo band for runner's knee or knee pain, aim to wear it for approximately 5 minutes at a time, gradually increasing the duration as tolerated. It's crucial to listen to your body and adjust the tightness of the band accordingly to prevent discomfort or excessive pressure. Incorporate voodoo band therapy into your routine as needed, especially before and after running or strenuous activity, to help manage pain and support overall knee health.

Voodoo bands and muscle floss can be a valuable tool in the management of runner's knee, providing targeted compression and support to alleviate pain and promote recovery. By understanding the proper application technique, engaging in mobility exercises, and adjusting the duration and frequency of use, individuals can experience significant relief and continue pursuing their passion for running with confidence and comfort. As always, pain while running should always be checked out by physical therapist (and ideally a physical therapist who sees endurance athletes and runners. Not all PT’s are made equal.)

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