Get stronger and faster Mile RUNNING PLAN

How do I get faster? Our suggestion? Use This 8-week Running Plan to get stronger and faster!

If you want to run faster, you need a plan that will build strength (strength work!), play with speed (1-2 speed play days a week), and build your aerobic & anaerobic strength (slow, strong, and steady conversational-paced runs and fast, spicy runs using limited oxygen).

Our 8-week get faster running plans won’t just help you feel stronger on the run, you’ll run faster, face some fears (WHO IS HAVING FLASHBACKS TO THE TIMED MILE IN SCHOOL?), and most importantly, have more fun.  

Our 8-Week Get Stronger and Faster Mile Running Plans are available in 4 different levels. Don’t think of the levels like beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Instead, each level simply corresponds to the amount of running you can handle. (Remember, more running days aren’t always better. Check in with your schedule to see how many days you can devote to running, and ask yourself how many running days feel good in your body.) 

Each of our running plans comes with a set number of running days, dedicated cross-training days, 2-3 strength days with videos by Coach Amanda, and at least 1 rest day. 

Not sure which plan to go with? Get in touch — we’re happy to help.

Get Stronger & Faster Running Plans

  • To get faster at running, focus on a combination of speedwork, runner-specific strength training, cross-training, consistency, and adequate recovery. Incorporate 1-2 days of speed work into your training plan (hill repeats etc) into your plan to improve speed and endurance. Additionally, doing runner-specific strength work (ideally a combination of lifting and plyometrics) that will help you build strength as well as work on stability, flexility, and mobility. Fuel your body with nutritious and delicious foods and stay hydrated to support optimal performance. Lastly, prioritize rest and recovery to allow your body to adapt and become stronger. Consistency and gradual progression are key to improving your speed over time.

  • Wanting to get faster is neither good nor bad in the same way that not caring about your pace is neither good nor bad. Running is a sport that gives you an opportunity to chase black-and-white outcomes and sometimes, having an outcome-based time goal can be a fun challenge to take on. If you do want to work on improving your pace and getting faster, it’s important to check-in with what’s motivating you.

  • Speed work can be intimidating! If you’ve never done speed play or sped work before, start with play and define what success and failure are before you start. Giving yourself permission to stay curious, see what happens, and give it your all is what it’s all about. And the best part? WALKING RECOVERIES! Throw perfection out the window and get curious about what you’re thinking and feeling both befoe, during, and after speed work. Find the fun!

  • Our 8-week get faster running plans come in 4 different levels. Picking the level that not only supports you where you are but how often you can and want to train is important. From there, everything is adjustable. The goal is to build mileage and intensity slowly week after week.

    Each training plan starts with an all-out mile time trial so you can check-in and get your suggested paces and effort levels during speed play. In your weekly emails, we will break down the different effort levels but focus on exploring what they feel like.

  • YES! The majority of your training runs will be done at a conversational pace. Think slow, strong, and steady. Party pace!

  • The amount of running days you have depends on the level plan you select. Levels 3 and 4 have 5-6 days of runing a week whereas Level 1 has 3-4. All plans have suggested cross-training and 2-3 strength training days as well.

  • Nope! Ideally, most of your speed play will be done on flat-ish terrain (think a track for track work). But if your plan calls for hill repeats, find a hill! For your conversational-paced runs, hillier routes will only make you stronger.

  • 1-3 days of cross-training is ideal depending on the plan level you’re taking on. Cross training is anything that works complimentary running muscles like cycling, swimming, hiking, etc. but is low impact and done at an aerobic effort level.

  • Every runner is different so there’s no set number to expect. Some runners may see their mile time quicken by 30-60 seconds. But all runners will notice a difference in how they feel on the run. Ease and confidence is what we’re after

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